Men for Others : A Call to Serve

De Smet Jesuit offers a four-year, comprehensive service program which encourages students to become other-centered.

Sophomore Service Program

Sophomores are required to complete 25 hours of service in addition to hosting the Special Olympics as a class.  They are permitted to do some of the service at home (limit of 10 hours) doing things that would not be considered their normal household chores.  Students are also allowed to complete a maximum 15 hours of service at De Smet Jesuit, volunteering at different events during the year or for camps in the summer. There is no limit to service hours students may earn  by working at their church or with a service organization.

Junior Projects Program

The Junior Projects program focuses on building relationships in the community through service.  Juniors are paired with an organization, school, or retirement community and work from 12:30 - 3:00 each Monday that school is in session.  Students learn about the social justice issues associated with the work as well as build relationships with the people they serve.  

Senior Service Program

Seniors take what they have learned and experienced from their previous two years of service work and commit themselves to one or two service organizations during their senior year.  They are required to complete 50 hours of service (a limit of 15 hours with De Smet Jesuit) during the summer or during the school year.  They are responsible for arranging their service work and scheduling it outside of school time.  

Service/Learning Mission Trips

Service/Learning Mission Trips are local and international trips that are offered to seniors interested in a more immersive experience of service in different communities.  De Smet Jesuit coordinates trips to include working in Punta Gorda, Belize to work with the Jesuit community; to Nicaragua for work with Amigos for Christ; and different opportunities along the US border and in Appalachia.  Students raise funds to offset travel expenses and participate in different reflective activities to help put the experience into perspective.  These trips fulfill the requirement for senior service hours.  


  • Men for and With Others

Spartans work with more than 125 organizations around St. Louis

  • 27,000
  • hours +

number of service hours done by Spartans over the past year

  • Junior Service Program

Juniors volunteer at 80+ organizations on Mondays for 2 1/2 hours

  • 140
  • hours

Students graduate with over 130 hours of service in the community

  • Children

More than 50% of our students work with children in schools and day cares

  • International

Seniors have opportunities for mission work in Belize, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and more.
