To earn an Ignatian Global Scholars Certificate from the Jesuit Schools Network, students at De Smet Jesuit High School should successfully complete requirements from the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm categories of context, experience, reflection, action, and review (details below):
Context (all required)
- Complete the Ignatian Global Citizen Anchor course.
Complete three years of language study or pass approved exams (e.g., AP or Seal of Biliteracy).
Participate in different approved global events each year.
Experience (choose one)
- Take part in a sustained lived intercultural experience either via immersion, cultural engagement, or service trip or approved experience such as Model UN or virtual exchanges.
- Have a yearly sustained commitment and involvement with an extracurricular group that focuses on either the pursuit of a sustainable earth, more humane world, or increasing interconnectedness and understanding of other perspectives such as Asia Club, Black Student Union, or Social Justice Club.
- Complete semester self-reflections and a final reflection project.
Action (choose one)
- Complete a yearly local relationship-building service project that correlates to global citizenship (can be done in conjunction with junior and senior service requirements).
- Complete a final project with a global focus, which should be shared with other community members (can be integrated into senior Insignis project).
- Participate in the school’s annual program review.