Job Openings

black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
%22I chose De Smet because of how tight & involved the community is%22 Justin '25 #whydesmet black and white photo of student
#Why De Smet testimony from public school family
black and white photo behind Why De Smet testimonial
black and white photo behind Why De Smet testimonial
De Smet Jesuit alumnus stands next to UMKC School of Dentistry sign, %22chose De Smet for brotherhood & rigorous academics...%22
Coach Traughber says seeing his students & runners is his favorite part of coming to school. #whydesmet
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
%22my favorite part of coming to De Smet is getting an education that...makes me college ready%22 Eric '23 #whydesmet photo
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
#Why De Smet testimony from Catholic family
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
black and white photo behind Why De Smet testimonial
black white photo of student with testimonial about why he chose De Smet Jesuit
black and white photo behind Why De Smet testimonial

Why We Choose To Work at De Smet Jesuit

Video created by Austin Harszy '24 | Interviews by Digital Media students Tyson Davenport '22, Austin Harszy '24, John Rimmey '22, Karl Terry '22


Employment Application

Applying to De Smet Jesuit

Why I Work at De Smet Jesuit

  • Learning Consultant
Linda Doherty

My decision to maintain my career at a Catholic high school is because of the faith community, the respect I have received from my co-workers, and the transformation I see in my students.

  • Fine Arts
Dr. Michael Callahan

I teach because I was raised to believe that the exchange of ideas is one of the most important things we can participate in. Being in a Jesuit school allows us to be lifelong learners.

Chris Welling

Teaching within this environment at De Smet Jesuit provides a constant challenge and opportunity to continue to grow in my vocation and to foster the growth and development of students through engagement, compassion, and empathy.

  • Business Teacher
Jim Saali

I work at a Catholic high school because I believe in the culture of nourishment, inclusion, high academic and personal standards, commitment to service and development of the whole person: spirit, mind and body. I am passionate and feel grateful to be a part of this formation process.

  • Director of Campus Ministry
Kelsey Grimm

I’m thankful that I can go to work every day where I can not only witness my faith to my students and challenge them to grow closer to God, but that I can develop a stronger spiritual life through my experiences in this environment.